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Yearly Archives: 2023
Creative Clusters Collaboration Day
Thanks to Scariff NS for hosting our recent Creative Clusters Collaboration Day. The pupils from Feakle NS, Scariff NS and Dromindoora NS demonstrated their skills and knowledge of using technology and art based on this year’s theme – Picture This! – telling stories through pictures.
Farm Safety Talk – March 2023
The Junior and Middle Room had a visit from a member of the Agri Aware team in March, discussing safety on the farm. The Parent’s Association organised the visit, along with various tractors and combine harvesters from the local farmers, where children got up close with the various farm machinery, while discussing the dangers of being on the farm.
St Patrick’s day 2023
Wishing everyone a happy St Patrick’s Day from everyone in Feakle NS. Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh.